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Hours on the second Saturday will be 9 AM – 1 PM.

At Spreading Threads Clothing Events, foster children and their families are able to “shop” for the clothing they need. From slacks and jeans to tops, dresses, pjs, and shoes, Spreading Threads has the threads foster children need. We even offer socks, underwear, and shoes. Additionally, foster children, foster families, and kinship families can find books, toys, school supplies, and more at Spreading Threads. Come find what you need at our next Spreading Threads event!

  • Face masks are required for entry
  • Restroom are NOT open
  • NO outside food allowed in the facility
  • NO children area allowed at this time except for Group Home teens
  • Hand Sanitizer will be available and must be used upon entry
  • A limited number of people will be allowed inside the building at one time so please be patient and prepared to wait if needed

We will continue to perform Emergency Clothing Requests if the regularly scheduled event is not an option for families.  Please send an email to spreadingthreads@comcast.net to set up the request.

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